Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Mind reading, psychic powers, miracles etc, etc

I have always been fascinated by the powers of the mind. Hypnosis is one such powerful tool, which is scientifically validated and has been put to good use to cure a variety of psychosomatic disorders and habits.

Unfortunately, there are many tricks, illusions and sleight of hand, which can be used to fool people. James Randi and Derren Brown are two of my favorites, when it comes to exposing such people who claim to 'read minds' or posses psychic powers. Randi has exposed many, including the likes of Uri Geller:

He also exposed James Hydrick:

In subsequent blogs I'll talk about the amazing Derren Brown!

Related link:
Unmasking Sai Baba
Related articles:
Exposing faith healers
Exposing psychic surgery


sathyan said...

Yes, it is amazing how easily people can be fooled, irrespective of whether they are educated, rich or from a underdeveloped or developed country. Even a country like America has many fools who beleive in psychics who can "read minds." You are doing a terrific blog. Carry on!

John Smith said...

Thanks sathyan.

Anonymous said...

Yes, we in the US can be fooled. After all, we did vote for George Bush.

That said, ascerbic skeptics who tend to squint when and foam at the mouth when they talk have their own reality. You might visit the PEAR site at Princeton University to see a different view of things.