Monday, January 22, 2007

How to build six-pack Abs!

Who would not want what is commonly known as a "six-pack" ab? Well, it's easier said than done. While most of us 'mere mortals' can only dream of it, you can at least come closer to it. The abdomen has many large and smaller muscle groups. I will describe a few important groups. The rectus abdominis, which extends along the whole length of the front of the abdomen, transversus abdominis and the obliques along the sides of the abdomen. The abdominal muscles mainly function to flex your torso forward and bend your body sideways. In men, the pattern of fat distribution mainly occurs in the abdomen, leading to an 'apple shape.' This kind of 'central obesity' is a risk factor for heart disease and diabetes. Since it's not possible to describe all exercises in detail (any decent gym with an instructor can help you with it), I'll just outline some measures to get rid of tummy fat and get your abs into shape.

1. Most importantly, as I have pointed in my previous blogs, get a good cardio workout and follow a healthy diet. Unless you burn all that layer of fat overlying your abs, no amount of sessions in the gym can help you.
2. Some recommended exercises are;
* Ab curls or crunches.
* Side curls.
* Cable rope crunches.
* Low-pulley weighted crunch.
* Leg raises.

Remember, just like other muscles, your abs also need to be trained with increasing resistance. Even doing 200 crunches without resistance will get you nowhere. That is why weighted crunches (hold a weight over your chest) and cable rope/low-pulley crunches help.

Also, I've seen many just neglecting the obliques or just not knowing how these muscles work. Here's something, which I do that can get rid of your 'love handles.'

*Barbell side-bend-hold a barbell behind your shoulders and bend side ways. Repeat on either side.
*Dumbbell side-bend-The same can be done with a dumbbell held up with both your hands and bending sideways and also with the dumbbells hanging by your side.

Remember that if you are really centrally obese, it would take sometime to get into shape. More importantly, you have to continue with the workouts or else you might revert back into an 'apple'!

Related links:Good source of medical articles-visit-


Anonymous said...

I've seen ads very often on T.V about tummy belts, which supposedly help to lose fat and gain muscle. Are they effective?

John Smith said...

These belts provide small electric stimulations to the abdomen. But they are absolutely useless in either getting rid of the fat or building muscles. There is no scientific basis for their use.

Anonymous said...

Some useful information... Great blog..

Andrew said...

Found you through BE -- lots of good info on your blog!

John Smith said...

Thanks! Derek and Andrew.