Sunday, January 28, 2007

Simple ways to turbo charge your metabolism!

Even at rest, our body burns some calories for cellular activities. Even when you breathe, digest or sleep, some amount of calories are expended; this is the basal metabolic rate (BMR). As we age, our metabolic rate declines, and we tend to put on excess fat. Here are some tips, which I practice, to get your metabolism revved up!

1. Obviously, a weight training or cardio is a must.
2. At office:Use the free time behind the desk at office or home to burn calories with some simple workouts:
*Just walking around your office is a great cal burner (most of my assistants and colleagues are surprised to see me pacing around the room at times!)
*Push-ups against the table.
*Triceps dips-lean back against your table with both palms on the table. Dip down with your body in a slight inclination (just make sure you don't slip and fall!)and come up to original position. Repeat.
*Toe raise-in a seated position, and legs close together, use your toes to lift your feet off the ground. Feel your calves contract. Repeat.
*Do you have a lot of heavy, dust covered, rarely used books lying around? Great! Just dust them and do a biceps curl!
*Take the stairs and avoid the elevator.
*Instead of lazily dashing off an email/IM to your colleague in the next cubicle, actually walk up to them!
3.At home: Try to be around with your children a lot! The energy they have, will rub off on you! Sometimes, I just lie back and do some bench press holding my 3-year old daughter aloft!. She loves it, and I get my "mini-workout" and cal burner!

See, there are innumerable ways that you can burn off all of those calories. Remember, it is the tiny drops that make up an ocean. With all these "mini work outs" coupled with your regular work out and healthy diet, you are bound to see some results!

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