Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Mind reading, psychic powers, miracles etc, etc

I have always been fascinated by the powers of the mind. Hypnosis is one such powerful tool, which is scientifically validated and has been put to good use to cure a variety of psychosomatic disorders and habits.

Unfortunately, there are many tricks, illusions and sleight of hand, which can be used to fool people. James Randi and Derren Brown are two of my favorites, when it comes to exposing such people who claim to 'read minds' or posses psychic powers. Randi has exposed many, including the likes of Uri Geller:

He also exposed James Hydrick:

In subsequent blogs I'll talk about the amazing Derren Brown!

Related link:
Unmasking Sai Baba
Related articles:
Exposing faith healers
Exposing psychic surgery

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Is your child autistic?

Autistic children lack or show difficulty with social interaction, display repetitive behavior, and have problems with verbal and non-verbal communication. The severity of autism varies widely in different children, and in mild cases, the symptoms may go unheeded, till it becomes disabling. The usual cause is genetic, although environmental factors may also have a role.

In mild cases, there may be improvement as the child grows older. There is no specific cure, although lots of Autism research has been done over the decades.

Strength training for diabetics

Any form of exercise is a must for diabetics. In particular, training with weights will help to build lean mass and control sugar levels through the day on a consistent basis. But for type 1 diabetes, it may be better to follow an exercise regimen like a brisk walk, due to the potential risk of hypoglycemia. Following these precautions will help you avoid any pitfalls.

1. First, get a go-ahead from your physician.
2. Monitor your blood glucose on a more regular basis after starting weight training.
3. Carry a card saying that you are a diabetic (the type and medications you're on).
4. Avoid over training and too heavy weights.
5. Proper footwear is a must, especially in type 1.
6. If you are taking protein supplements or other supplements, again get the green signal from your physician first. Avoid supplements, which contain sugar. Egg protein for bodybuilding is the best, since they usually have no sugar.

Related links:
Artificial Pancreas

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Computer Vision Syndrome

So, you've been blogging incessantly or probably a demanding project is keeping you glued to the computer. The end result? painful, itchy, red eyes or blurred vision that seems to get worse by the day. You could be suffering from computer vision syndrome due to dry eyes, which is a result of tear evaporation due to reduced blink rate.

A simple solution: try the "2-2-2 formula." Every 20 minutes or so, look 20 feet away and blink for two seconds! Make sure the distance from the computer is at least 14 inches. Don't go to near the screen. Your eye level must be slightly down. An anti-glare screen also helps. Use lubricating eye drops to relieve dry eyes.
Related Links: LASIK

Saturday, February 03, 2007


Probiotics are supplements, which contain beneficial microbes,especially lactobacillus. The normal gut flora includes both harmful and 'friendly' microbes. The 'friendly' types normally keep the harmful bacteria in check. Any alteration of the normal gut flora, which can for example, occur after a prolonged course of antibiotic therapy, will give the harmful bacteria the upper hand and leads to conditions like diarrhea.

One of the most well-known probiotic bacteria is Lactobacillus acidophilus. Some of the best sources of L.acidophilus is yogurt. Recently, many companies have jumped into the bandwagon and claim numerous benefits, which may be just Much ado about probiotics

Friday, February 02, 2007


Bionics is a method of applying the principles and methods found in nature to benefit mankind. It can be considered as a kind of biomimicry. A good example of the earliest application of bionics in history include the development of aircraft by observing how birds fly.

Other applications in medicine include cochlear implants and the bionic eye, which can help the blind see. Here's a good article on Bionic eye