Friday, December 28, 2007

Amazing Derren Brown

I am a big fan of Derren Brown, the famous English mentalist. He harnesses the mysterious and powerful effects of the brain by suggestion, tricks of the mind, NLP, hypnosis etc. There is no magic involved, just a perfect understanding of how the mind works and using it to bamboozle people.

When a series of commands is issued rapidly and sometimes confusingly, many at the other end up doing what they are told.

I have many favorites but think this is hilarious. A poor guy ends up giving his wallet, and much more, to Derren. Of course, it may not work on any one but then, Derren has a knack of spotting the most suggestible person!

"Trains of thought" is equally amazing!( instant hypnosis at work!)

Related links:

Mind reading, psychic powers, miracles etc, etc

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